At its regular meeting on Monday, December 12, 2022, the Ashland School Board took the following actions:

  • Voted to lift the temporary pause it had placed on bond construction projects for the High School Modernization Project, and authorized HMK Company to begin the process of contracting with a Construction Manager/General Contractor for resuming work.
  • Approved a new Memorandum of Agreement with the Ashland Education Association that establishes the rate of compensation for Elementary Affinity Group Facilitators.
  • Received a comprehensive report from Brightworks Sustainability on the environmental achievements realized in the bond construction projects completed to date. Working closely with the Ashland Climate and Energy Action Plan, the Bond Promise identified objectives that will contribute to community sustainability:
    • Focus on energy use and conservation
    • Manage and conserve water resources
    • Practice recycling and adaptive reuse of materials
    • Manage ecosystems and landscape to minimize climate-related health impacts

Details of the Brightworks Sustainability report can be found HERE