The Ashland School District recognizes that student health and safety are the cornerstone of education and that all students are entitled to a high-quality educational experience, free from discrimination or harassment based on perceived race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability, or national origin, and without fear or hatred, racism or violence. Every educators, staff and leader is also entitled to work in environments that are free from discrimination or harassment, and visitors should be able to participate in their school communities without fearing for their safety.
As you may be aware, our youth and communities of color, members of Tribal communities, and LGBTQ2SIA+ students across Oregon have experienced increasing levels of discrimination, racism, xenophobia and hate, both through words, actions or symbols, and via exclusion or inequitable access to resources. No student is immune from being a target of these harmful acts or exclusion, and no member of our school community should ever be in fear of physical, mental, or emotional injury. When one person is harmed, it affects us all. As adults, we are responsible for making sure that our children are safe, and that they receive the education that they are entitled to.
Report a Bias Incident
Every Student Belongs protects all of our school community members, and ensures that all students receive the education that they deserve. The presence of symbols of hate on the basis of race, color, religion, gender identity, sexual orientation, disability or national origin causes harm and significantly disrupts the operation of schools by creating an atmosphere of fear and intimidation.
In order to effectively address bias incidents, we ask that you help us by letting us about bout them. The first step is to click on the site icon or link below or scan the QR code.
Tools to investigate a Bias Incident Report

Administrators - Additional resources can be found in the Lead Team's Every Student Belongs folder.
Support for Educators
Board Policies that require we address Bias Incidents: