Testing (ACT and SAT)

Testing & Entrance Exams

Students planning on applying to four year colleges usually take ACT/SAT tests in spring of junior year and/or fall of senior year. Many colleges are now “test optional” and Oregon’s public universities no longer require ACT/SAT test results for admission, but some do for eligibility for honors colleges or merit scholarships. Check individual universities for current guidelines.

Students register for the ACT and SAT online and those who qualify for free/reduced lunch are eligible for fee waivers for both tests. Please contact jennifer.marsden@ashland.k12.or.us  to obtain a fee waiver.

2024-2025 Test Dates (registration deadlines are about one month before the test dates; please check ACT/SAT websites to confirm):

SAT (offered at AHS): October 5, November 2, December 7, March 8, May 3, June 7

ACT (not offered at AHS): September 14, October 26, December 14, February 8, April 5, June 14