Walker Elementary School
Title 1 Family Compact
This Family and School Compact is an agreement between the parent, teacher, and the student. It is our belief that students will have an opportunity for success when expectations are clear, consistent, and supported at home.
Mission Statement: The Walker Community values diversity, empathy, and perseverance. We honor the entire learning process from mistakes to academic mastery. We teach our students to advocate for themselves and others. We nurture kindness, creativity, and wonder.
School Responsibilities:
Provide a safe and supportive environment for all students to experience academic and social success.
Develop strategies for authentic learning driven by data but honoring each child as an individual.
Welcome families into the learning process and the school community.
Family Responsibilities:
Assure that your child arrives on time to school, well rested, well fed and with required materials.
Be informed about classroom activities, attend conferences and provide regular opportunities for your child to discuss his/her school experiences.
Clearly communicate your educational expectations to your child.
Student Responsibilities:
Follow the 3 rules for success; Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.
Be Safe: Pay attention to safety. If you are not sure always ask questions. Be visible to adults at all times.
Be Respectful: Treat others politely, the way you would want to be treated.
Be Responsible: Do your personal best. Come to school on time and prepared to learn. Honor your work as a student by your sincere efforts to learn and support your fellow students in their efforts.
Ask for help if you are not sure.
If you encounter someone not following our 3 rules for success, remember to use “Stop, Walk, & Talk.”
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Parent Teacher Student