A helicopter landed in our field today to surprise the students in Tara's Transportation Workshop. Everyone ran out to see! Thanks Tara for arranging this exciting surprise.

Thanks to everyone who helped with FANTASTIC BIKE-A-THON today!
Willow Wind students had a wonderful time and we raised money to support the arts program -

The 6th grade students are selling their hanging flower baskets (Nasturtiums & Petunias) Baskets are $16. Cash or check only! Fill out the order form, include cash or check & return to school with your child OR buy one at pick-up on Thursday and Friday from 2:00-2:40 this week -
Thank you for supporting student-led Willow Wind garden projects!

What a wonderful pop-up Farm Stand this Monday. Thanks to all who stopped by for produce!

Willow Wind Bike-a-thon is only 12 days away - June 6th!!
Our fundraising goal this year is $10,000 for MORE ART on campus.
Please help your kiddos by spreading the word to your friends and family. Posting on Facebook or other social sites can help reach those who aren't local.
Here is a link to the donation page: https://willowwindca.wordpress.com/bike-a-thon/
Please feel free to share this far and wide.
THANK YOU for supporting Willow Wind!

Pop-Up FARMSTAND at Willow Wind on Monday at 2:30. Students will be selling lettuce, mixed greens, and plant starts. Please stop by!

The eggs have hatched in the Food Forest! Sweet baby starlings......

New Art Installations at Willow Wind created by students with their wonderful teacher Sarah!

Spring plants are thriving in the greenhouse - peas and lettuce will be ready for harvest soon!

Ga-Ga Ball! It's been a fun week learning how to play - students and adults too!

May Day 2022 at Willow Wind. Hail was falling as the dancers began - What a fun day!

May Day Celebration Returns to Willow Wind!

Parachute Fun Today at Lunch

Lunch in the Food Forest on this beautiful spring day at Willow Wind!

The First Graders delivered mail to the Willow Wind Community during the month of February. We will miss the lovely letters but are so grateful for all of their work.

Thank you to the families who helped deliver fresh compost to our spring garden. And thanks to Plant Oregon for donating the compost! It takes a village!

The daffodils at Willow Wind opened up this week - first signs of spring!

Today was an exciting day of learning! We have been at school for 100 days!

The Upper School Leadership Class surprised Willow Wind by decorating the classroom doors for Valentine's Day - What a lovely surprise!

The Upper School students spent Thursday afternoon building community together at Garfield Park.