
Maybe it’s because she plays the ukulele in class (she’s in a band called the Ukulele Sisters) or maybe it’s because of the bouncy ball seats and rubbery seat cushions she purchased through a grant, or maybe it’s just the joy and gratitude and laughter she brings every day into the classroom, but whatever the reason, Amy VanKuiken, Language Arts teacher on the Manzanita team, was recently recognized as AMS’s favorite teacher in the Sneak Preview ‘Best of Ashland’ issue. In her 11th year at AMS, Amy exudes positivity. “I love the kids! Every day with them is different. No matter how carefully you plan, every day is an opportunity to connect so you have to be able to pivot and reset at a moment’s notice.”

“I also love the staff and administration at AMS. Everybody helps each other and looks after one another.” Amy experienced this support firsthand this year when she slipped on some ice in December and fractured her sacrum. “When I hurt myself earlier this year, people came out of the woodwork to help me out.”  This injury has put a severe damper on Amy’s life outside of school as she loves playing in the outdoors. Her snowboarding season is done as is any mountain biking (two of her favorite activities) for the time being. Fortunately, her dog, Odysseus, whom Amy calls ‘Ody Pants’ is her constant companion and helps keep her spirits high which is great news for everyone at AMS. We don’t know what we’d do without Amy!