Boys Basketball

Dear AMS Boys Basketball parents and guardians,
We are excited to be bouncing balls and hearing the swish of the net!
DAILY PRACTICE Schedule: Starting Monday, October 21st
Practices are from 3:15-4:45pm
Note for Wednesdays…. The library is open on Wednesdays for students to complete homework while waiting for practice to start (and some students leave campus and return for practice)
Also, please be prompt with picking up your kids after practice and games, as these are long days for these coaches. Thanks!!
Practices during the Conferences & In-Service Days (Oct. 28 – Nov. 1st = no classes in session at AMS)
3:00 – 5:00 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday (Oct. 28, 29, 30)
NO Practice on Halloween
3:00-5:00 OPEN GYM on Friday, November 1st.
Games follow this pattern on Mondays and Wednesdays:
Mondays (or Tuesdays) = 7th Graders play the first game at 4:30 pm / 8th Graders play the second game at 5:30
Wednesdays (or Thursdays) = 8th Graders play first at 4:30 pm / 7th Graders play at 5:30 pm
*Occasionally we may have a Tuesday or Thursday game to accommodate the shortage of referees
Be ready for changes and keep an eye out for emails about schedule changes
We occasionally deal with last-minute changes and/or cancellations of games when referees are not available.
Email will be the most common method of communication from the coaches.
The most up-to-date team schedules will be posted on the website: In fact, we no longer print schedules because they change too frequently and cause misinformation. The first games will be on November 4th.
How can you help?
The coaches will need scorekeepers at home games for the clock and the scorebook
(no experience required; we will train you).Perhaps volunteer to be a team parent to organize team support among the parents:
some teams have arranged for snacks to be provided by parents on away game trips,
planned end-of-season team parties, scorekeepers, etc…
BE KIND and Patient!
The Coaches are managing a lot of kids
The refs are doing challenging work and are very short-staffed. Please be KIND and supportive. Some are reffing in their retirement years and others are green and new to their positions (and we need them to like the job and stick around to help with the referee shortages locally and nationally)
Coaching Staff:
8th Gold: Abdiaziz Guled
7th Gold: Cole McAnich
8 Blue: Tara Elder Hammond
7 Blue: William Beckett
8 White: Rosie Converse
7 White: Tito Soriano