2024-2025 Application and Enrollment Information
If you are a returning student at TRAILS please go to our District enrollment and registration page here:
If your child has not been fully registered by the start of school, they must go to the main office with you to complete that process with our Office Manager, Helen Cleary. Unregistered students cannot go to the classroom until the registration process is complete.
The lottery is closed but we are still accepting applications. Furthermore, there are still open spots in first grade which will be given out on a first come basis provided the student meets all of the TRAILS/ASD registration requirements. You can pick up an application at the Front Office of TRAILS Outdoor School, or you can print one here.
Completed applications can be emailed to helen.cleary@ashland.k12.or.us or may be physically mailed to/dropped off at the following address:
TRAILS Outdoor School
158 Walker Street
Ashland, OR 97520

Parents may apply for entry into TRAILS Outdoor School at grades K-8. Students are admitted on a space available basis, and a lottery is held if more students apply than can be accommodated.
Enrollment Priorities:
Returning Students
Siblings of currently enrolled students (priority by date of family enrollment)
All other applicants are selected by lottery based on grade level openings
All children from a family will be enrolled whenever possible
New Students on and inter-district transfer (IDT)
Waiting List families will be notified by e-mail and will be asked whether they are interested in remaining on the waiting list. All applications are kept until fall in case there are unexpected openings over the summer. Families who are not selected must reapply each year. Families who are accepted must complete our online registration process in August.
Verification of residency is required when enrolling a child in the Ashland School District for the first time, and again in grades 6, and 9, when making the transition to Ashland Middle School, Ashland High School, or when making a zone transfer within the district. Verification of residency is also required when you change addresses within Ashland. Further, administration may require verification of residency at any time. Families must notify the school of any changes in student’s addresses within one week of the change.
If you have additional questions, please email our Principal Ericka.BeckBrattin@ashland.k12.or.us
Ashland School District does not discriminate on the basis of race, religion, color, national origin, disability, marital status, sex sexual orientation or age in providing education or access to benefits of education services, activities and programs in accordance with Title VI, Title VII, Title IX and other civil rights or discrimination issues; Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, as amended; and the Americans with Disabilities Act.