About Us
Bellview Elementary School
Title 1 Parent Compact
This Parent Compact is an agreement between the parent, teacher, and the student. It is our belief that students will have an opportunity for success when expectations are clear, consistent, and supported at home.
Student Expectations
Follow the 3 rules for success; Be Safe, Be Respectful, Be Responsible.
Be Safe: Pay attention to safety. If you are not sure always ask questions. Be visible to adults at all times.
Be Respectful: Treat others politely, the way you would want to be treated.
Be Responsible: Do your personal best. Listen in class. Come to school on time and prepared to learn.
Ask for help if you are not sure.
Take responsibility for your work at school and at home.
Teacher Expectations
Provide a learning environment that brings out the best in students academically, behaviorally, and emotionally.
Maintain a safe classroom free from distraction (safe, respectful, and responsible).
Strive for strong communication between home and school.
Clearly communicate expectations and appropriate timeframes for completion of work.
Make learning fun, interesting, meaningful, and individualized.
Support each student’s potential.
Parent Expectations
Communicate important information to the classroom teacher (home disruptions, concerns, etc.).
Be familiar with policies on dress codes, toys, attendance, schedule, etc.
Commit to daily attendance and punctuality (school starts promptly at 8:15, plan vacations during school recesses).
Take care of basic needs; breakfast, hygiene, medication, etc.
Set aside daily reading practice at home.
Establish a set homework routine.
Read School and Classroom Newsletters. Be an informed parent. If you don’t know, call the school or e-mail the teacher.
View yourself as a partner in your child’s education.
_____________________ ___________________ ____________________
Parent Teacher Student
(76.1KB) Bellview Parent/Student Compact
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